HTML Workshop

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Plain Text


Lesson 1 - Write Plain Text
Lesson 2 - Write Your First HTML Text - Choose Colors - Links etc.
Lesson 3 - Headings - Paragraph - Intended Text etc.
Lesson 4 - Create Tables
All HTML Tags
Notes & Drafts

Testing Area

Here you will always find the latest tasks ... :-)

<p> or just text

Second p text - it produces a blank line
use <br> or <br/> to avoid the blank line after </p>

just text
And again just text

And again p - creates a blank line after text

<center> is deprecated - use div and css stylesheet

Mozilla Thimble - Learn HTML

Historical artifacts to avoid - MDN <!doctype html> or <!DOCTYPE html> - MDN - It is recommended that you use this HTML5 doctype, which triggers standard mode in every browser. - MDN
Put <meta charset="UTF-8" /> into <head>
Introduction to HTML - MDN
write " " write ampersand "&amp;" > &
write non-breaking space "&nbsp;" > 4444     333   22  1 end

More Special Characters in HTML at

Lesson 1 - Write Plain Text

You need to:

a) Install Google Chrome browser
b) Install Komodo Edit

Now open "Komodo" editor.
Open Komodo - Preferences - New Files - select "HTML" for default language for files created using the "New" button.
Start "Komodo". Choose File - New - New File...
Write some text.
Save the document with a filename of your choice ending with .txt
Open this file with any browser of your choice.

You see a plain text without hidden codes.

Check our example: Plain Text

Lesson 2 - Write Your First HTML Text - Choose Colors - Links etc.

1 - <html> tag

2 - <head> tag

3 - <title> tag

4 - <body> tag

4a - (Use for HTML: bg-color="#00FF00" text="#620E61") - Better always use CSS: style="background-color: #00FF00; color: #620E61;" - for more details go > CSS Mini-Workshop >>>

4b - Understand & choose colors >>> HTML Color Codes

5 - Write some text

5a - <p> tag (paragraph)

6 - <!-- comment --> tag (>>> watch the page source - comments will not be shown on screen)

7 - <br> tag (line break)

8 - <b> tag (bold)

You get bold text - (strong text), as you will get with <strong> - tag 27.

9 - <a> tag (hyperlink - underlined):

This is a link to Google.

9a - target="_blank" (link opens in a new tab)

CSS Mini-Workshop

9b - style="text-decoration: none" (hyperlink - not underlined - bold):

This is a link to Angel Hearts

9c - Link rollover - visited link - hover link - press link > we will lern these using CSS

(9d) - <center> tag (non-standard, obsolete, or deprecated) - we will learn it soon via CSS - style="text-align: center" or right etc., or id="c"

(-: Always keep centered :-)

Lesson 3 - Headings - Paragraph - Intended Text etc.

10-15 - <h1> - <h6> tags (6 headings with different sizes)

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6
16 - <q> tag (quotation)

And then she said like... whatever!

17 - <blockquote> tag (intended text)

According to the Quackit website:

Browsers generally render blockquote text as indented text. If your quoted text needs to display within a non-quoted paragraph, you should use the HTML q tag. Most browsers surround q text with quotation marks.

<form> tag

First name:
Last name:

18 - <i> tag

The HTML i tag specifies text in italics.

19 - <cite> tag -

This is a cited word.

20 - <em> tag (emphasis)

Normal text - Stronger emphasis!

21 - <bdo> tag (bidirectional - override text direction)

How to override text direction? I think you already know!

21a - Write < (less than) & > (greater than) - For more special characters go >>> HTML Entities Table

22 - <del> (delete - same as "strike" - )


(22a) - <s> (strike) (or <strike> non-standard, obsolete, or deprecated)

"Strike" renders a strike (or line) through the middle of the text.

23 - <u> tag (underline)

Underlined text seems to be more important.

24 - <ins> tag (inserted) - more coming soon

Inserted text does the same as underlined text.

25 - <small> tag

Normal text size can become smaller - and again normal size.

(25a) - <big> tag (non-standard, obsolete, or deprecated) - Equivalent CSS: {font-size: larger}

This tag should "make text bigger" :-)

26 - <strong> tag

Makes text "stronger!"

27-28 - <ul> tag (unordered list) - <li> tag (list item)

29 - <ol> tag (ordered list - numbered)
  1. First list item
  2. Second list item
30-31 - <sub> and <sup> - HTML5

H2O and cm2

32 - <!doctype html> or <!DOCTYPE html> - More about all different kinds of doctype commands coming soon - Always put it on top of your html document!

33 - <hr> tag (horizontal rule)

<div> and <span>

Both can be used to group elements for styling purposes (using the class or id attributes - used by CSS)

34 - <div> tag (division) is a block-level element

35 - <span> tag (from "to span"?) is an inline element

Lesson 4 - Create Tables

36-45 <table>tag - <tr> (table row) - <td> (table data) - <caption> - <th> (table header) - <thead> - <tfoot> - <tbody> - <col> (column) - <colgroup>

Cell 1 Cell 2
Cell 3 Cell 4

With border="1" - centered :-)
A "Fruits" caption
Strawberry :-)

Table Columns

Number Fruit Price
1 Apples £3
2 Cherries £9
3 Ananas £4

Table Cells - CSS Control - html_workshop.css

Cell 1-4

Caption 1
cell 1acell 2
Caption 2
cell 3bcell 4

Top 10 CSS Table Designs -
CSS Table Generator

Images & Frames

46 - <img> (image) - controled via CSS

    couldn't load image   couldn't load image   couldn't load image      

47-48 - <area> & <textarea> coming soon ... :-)


48a - <audio> - This tag creates a player which is supported by HTML5. We will learn other methods soon.

<script> <noscript>

49 - <script> ... soon being continued :-)

50 - <noscript> ... soon being continued :-)

<dl> <dt> <dd>

51 - <dl> tag (definition list) - encloses a list of pairs of terms and descriptions. A common use for this element is to implement a glossary.

52 - <dt> tag (definition term) - this element can occur only as a child element of a <dl>. It is usually followed by a <dd> element.

53 - <dd> tag (definition description) - can occur only as a child element of a definition list and it must follow a <dt> element.

Population: 37,126,000
New York
Population: 20,464,000
Mary, 92
Did you say something?...
Peter, 97
That was yesterday...

<select> <option> <optgroup> <button>

54 - <select> tag -

55 - <option> tag -

56 - <optgroup> tag -

57 - <button> tag -


58 - <input> tag -

Final HTML 4.01 Tags

59 - <address> tag -

60 - <abbr> tag (abbreviation) - appears if you hover the cursor over UK etc. - represents an abbreviation and optionally provides a full description for it. If present, the title attribute must contain this full description and nothing else.

Tony Blair is the prime minister of the UK.

<samp> <code> <kbd> <pre> <var>

61 - <samp> tag -

62 - <code> tag -

63 - <kbd> tag (keyboard) -

Type into your browser.

64 - <pre> tag (preformatted text) -

65 - <var> tag (variable) -

66 -

67-79 - 13 Remaining HTML tags -

Outdated HTML tags - non-standard, obsolete, or deprecated (21)

(NS 1) - <tt> tag - Equivalent CSS: {font-family: monospace;}

(NS 22) - <wbr> tag - an optional line break

All HTML Tags

Explained HTML tags (50):

a b bdo (big-) blockquote body
br caption (center-) col colgroup del
div em h1 h2 h3
h4 h5 h6 head hr
html i img ins li

ol p q s script
small span (strike-) strong style sub
sup table tbody td tfoot
textarea th thead title tr
u ul <!-- comment --> <!doctype ...> area - (50 tags)

Next explained tags (16):

abbr address area button cite
code dd dl dt input
kbd optgroup option pre samp

Remaining HTML tags (13):

base dfn fieldset figcaption iframe
label legend link map meta
noscript object param

Outdated HTML tags - non-standard, obsolete, or deprecated (21):

(acronym-) (applet-5) (basefont-) (bgsound-) (blink-)
(datagrid?) (dir-) (eventsource?) (font-10) (frame-)
(frameset-) (isindex-) (listing-) (marquee-15) (nobr-)
(noframes-) (plaintext-)(spacer-) (tt-20) (xmp-) -

(total 79 tags incl. <!doctype ...> and <!-- comment --> for HTML 4.01 - additional 21 tags which are non-standard, obsolete, or deprecated)

More HTML5 tags (33):

article aside audio bdi canvas
command data datalist details embed
figcaption figure footer header hgroup
keygen main mark menu meter
nav output progress rp rt

ruby section source summary time
track video wbr - (only 33 more tags) - makes altogether only 112 HTML tags!

That's all!

:-) (-: :-) (-:


Index of Elements - W3C
HTML Elements - MDN
HTML element - Wikipedia
HTML Tags -
HTML Tags -
HTML & CSS - Code & Result - CSS Examples -


Learn HTML5 -

The 33 remaining additional HTML5 tags

80-83 - <header> & <footer> - <article> & <section> tags -

The name of this web page - (Header)

Written by me!

My Blog Entry

This blog entry is my first.

What I Learned

HTML5 can have articles and sections.

Notes & Drafts

HTML Browser Marketshares

Usage share of webbrowsers

Free domains - Go

Write tags in lower case

Visit our CSS Workshop

Online References:
Web Standards Project
HTML Elements - Mozilla Developer Network
HTML Elements &
HTML Codes - Characters & Symbols
Differences Between HTML and XHTML

Dekokombinat - Toni S. Ellermann
Silke Groth - Web Design Company
Creative Moments - Anne Matzeck

More coming soon


Write German letters Ä ä Ö ö Ü ü ß

Install Google Analytics
Install Counter
Install FileZilla
Install OpenOffice
Install Just Cloud
Install Dropbox
Fastest YouTube Downloader

Put Copyright ©

Put Favicon
A Favicon must be 16 pixels wide and 16 pixels tall. 16 colors. To be fully supported in all major web browsers, Favicons must be in the ICO (icon) file format.
Place before the closing </head> tag: favicon can have the name of your choice.
<!doctype html> - Use HTML5 - Learn about XHTML and XML etc.



Don't want to go through our HTML Workshop?
Build your own websites without knowlege of HTML - NOW - for free!
Go - Visit Feroniba's example at
Go - Watch Feroniba's example at
Find out more about free web hosting services at Wikipedia

More coming soon :-)

Visit some more of our sites

Web Creation Sites
Website Creations
Game Creations
Film Creations
Divine Internet Marketing
Spirit Spheres
Angel Hearts
Feroniba Ramin Hassani
IDL Productions
Love All
Love the Universe
Software Music Creation
Win the Universe
Your Agents

Version 0.1
Last Update 6 - 14.4.2013 - Leipzig, Germany, 20:00
Session 7 - 24.5.2013 - Leipzig, Germany - dl dt dd etc. - 7:30-16:45 + 19:15- = 9:00, + 27:50 = total time 36:50
Session 6 - 14.4.2013 - Leipzig, Germany - Templates + CSS + Elements - 8:30-16:45 + 19:15- = 9:00, + 27:50 = total time 36:50
Session 5 - 13.4.2013 - Leipzig, Germany - Templates + CSS + Elements - 8:50-10:30 + 11:10-15:10 + 20:10-23:30 = 9:00, + 27:50 = total time 36:50
Session 4 - 19.3.2013 - Leipzig, Germany - HTML Tags - 9:15-12:00 + 13:00-16:00=5:45, + 22:05 = total time 27:50
Session 3 - 9.3.2013 - Leipzig, Germany, 3:45-5:00=1:15, + 20:50 = total time 22:05
Session 2 - 8.3.2013 - Leipzig, Germany, 1:10-6:10=5:00, 8:45-12:05=3:20, 8:20 + 12:30 = total time 20:50
Session 1 - 27.2.2013 - Leipzig, Germany, 9:10-11:00=1:50, 15:45-19:30=3:45, 20:30-3:25=6:55, = total time 12:30

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Copyright © 2013 by IDL Productions